How nature can fight climate change and how can we help?

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According to the World Wildlife Fund, woodland covers 31% of the planet. This is a great advantage since the more trees we have, the better the environment is. Additionally, 80% of the animals in the whole world live in forests, which means that most of the world’s biodiversity depends on forests.


So, how can nature fight climate change? Well…Basically, trees clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink. Recently, researchers have found that forests play a vital role in mitigating climate change because they soak up the carbon dioxide that would otherwise be free in the atmosphere and the excess of carbon dioxide contributes to climate changes.

Moreover, nature contains the ingredients of 25% of the medicines used around the world, so they are an important factor why we have medicines available. This is another reason why we need to start taking care of them. As most of you know, forests are under threat of deforestation, agriculture, livestock and illegal logging are the reasons why our forests are disappearing. 

Fun Fact

The planet is losing 18.7 million acres of forests every year. In the case of tropical rainforests, they face a particular threat since it’s the place where most of the planet’s biodiversity lives. A great example of this is The Amazon, which has lost approximately 17% over the past 50 years due to conversion for cattle ranching. 

How can we help nature?

The best solution is to start a process of reforestation in order to mitigate the climate change and so, protect the environment. Trees help to restore an entire ecosystem, they can provide food and purify and preserve water sources, which makes trees crucial to sustainable development. 

Source: Bead the change

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