All about Elon Musk wish to fight world hunger

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Elon Musk’s net worth is more than $300 billion dollars, and he’s apparently ready to start spending by trying to fight world hunger!

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The Tesla and SpaceX CEO and founder, whose net worth has increased by more than $140 billion dollars in 2021. And so he tweeted recently that he was willing to consider a proposal from a United Nations official who said that a $6 billion donation from one of the world’s wealthiest people could help stop world hunger. 

Additionally, Musk suggested to the UN that this plan to fight world hunger should be an open-source accounting so the public can see precisely how the money is spent. 

So the World Food Programme plan proposed to spend $3.5 billion on food and deliver it to those most in need and affected. This includes the shipping, storage, security and transportation costs in order to safeguard food distribution in conflict-affected zones. The money can provide one meal per person, per day for a year and this will keep tens of millions of people from starvation.

Besides this, there were $2 billion proposed to fund cash and voucher programmes in places with functioning markets, this will allow people to choose the food they want to eat while supporting local economies.

This proposed plan from the World Food Programme is aiming to feed starving people in countries like the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Afghanistan and Yemen, where food insecurity is rife.

Source: NBC News

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