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Top advantages of using home batteries

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Home batteries are able to provide energy when you most need it. Your need might arise due to a blackout. Home batteries can also help you save money if your utility rates increase! And one of the top advantages is that they enable you to save energy and use more energy than your solar system generates.

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Provide power during blackouts

Home batteries can keep the energy flowing, even in an extended blackout. The batteries allow you to leverage power from your solar panels during the day even while your system is charging your batteries. Because of this, your batteries can get a fresh charge every day during an extended blackout.

Avoid high demand rates

Most utility companies in USA likes to increase their rates during times of increasing demand and citizens know that and so homeowners found themselves slammed with utility bills that ran into the thousands of dollars. That’s the reason why home batteries can help to reduce your exposure to high rates of electricity. 

Also its really important to keep in mind that these high-demand periods often also include rolling blackouts because the grid simply can’t keep up with demand. 

Batteries can supply energy independence to your home

Home batteries can make your energy future more predictable and provide you with a measure of independence, even if you are connected to the grid or not. If you are able to install enough solar power and enough battery capacity to provide the total of your power needs, you will get the minimum bill from your utility company. 

But what’s the minimum bill about? A minimum bill contains only the fees that your utility charges to keep you connected to the grid. It’s like the fee you pay for keeping the grid as your backup power source.

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Going solar in Florida makes a lot of sense thanks to Florida’s net metering policy. Going solar with Brightera makes sense thanks to Brightera and Freedom’s 25-year production guarantee.

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