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The solar booming in the United States

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According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), “In the last decade alone, solar has experienced an average annual growth rate of 42%”, this due to strong federal policies such as the Investment Tax Credit, rapidly declining costs, and the need from the private and public sector for clean electricity to help our environment. Moreover, markets for solar energy are rapidly growing around the country since solar electricity is now economically competitive with conventional energy sources, as stated by the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy from the U.S.

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Solar Industry Growing at a Record Pace

At the moment, there are more than 97 gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity installed across the country; this amount of GW is enough to power nearly 18 million homes. This rapid growth is because, since 2014, the cost to install solar PV panels has dropped almost 70%, thus incentivizing potential customers to join solar. SEIA has reported that prices are at their lowest levels across all market segments, as an average-sized residential system has dropped from $40,000 in 2010 to $20,000.

Benefits of going solar

Orlando homeowner Frank Lugo has recently installed solar panels in his home due to the recent support that each state has been giving to homeowners to facilitate their switch to solar energy. 

“I’d tell people not to wait so long to go solar. The laws in each state are changing every day to benefit solar owners. There are great savings. Plus, you are making a great investment for your house. It just makes sense.”, he said

Save and protect the environment.

According to the EPA, much of greenhouse gas emissions are emitted by electricity; by going solar, you reduce your part in releasing those emissions and reduces your dependency on fossil fuels taking advantage of clean energy.

Immunity to rising electricity costs.

Brightera has Long-Term Price Protection to combat rising electricity prices, so switching to solar gives you full control over your utility bill.

Miami homeowner Andre Cuevas told us his experience of switching solar to get a flat rate for the next 25 years.

My house is going through a brand new phase of electricity and now i don’t have to worry about getting those high monthly payments that i had to do monthly, now it’s just a flat rate for the next 25 years”, he said

Increase Your Savings With Solar

With Brightera, we can potentially save you thousands of dollars with state-of-the-art solar power.

Do you want to learn more about your opportunities to use solar energy to save money on your energy bills, earn valuable tax credits, and help preserve Florida beautiful environment? Contact Brightera today and we can share details, including a FREE quote for service.

Brightera is helping homeowners all over Florida reap the benefits of solar energy for their homes – we’d love to help you, too!

Ready to go solar in Florida? Call us at 1 877 805 8528 

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