How to avoid high utility bills

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Going solar is a great way to fix and avoid high utility bills. But even without solar (or with it), there are some utility bill “hacks” that you can use to get your electric bill under control. Some of these hacks are free, some cost money. Thankfully, there may be subsidies available to you that can reduce the cost of those utility bill hacks that cost money.


Learn how your utility company bills you for power

The first step in fixing and avoiding high utility bills is knowing how you are being billed. Some utility companies offer multiple rate plans. With your utility bill in hand, compare their rate plans to the plan you are currently on. You may find a rate plan that gives you a better rate than the one you’re paying now. If you prefer to manage when you use power, you may be able to save money by switching to Time-of-Use billing. Remember, if you let your utility choose your rate plan, they may not choose the best plan for you.

Sometimes when you use power affects how much you pay for it

Some utility companies bill you for using Time-of-Use (TOU) billing. With TOU billing, how much you pay for power depends on when you use the power. If you are billed for power on a TOU rate plan, you should try to minimize your power usage during peak rates. Oftentimes, peak rates are in the evening hours. Consider waiting till morning to do things like laundry so you use power during off-peak rates. If you own an EV or plug-in hybrid, make sure you set it up to charge during off-peak hours.

No worries, you can fix and avoid high utility bills by going solar

If you regularly get electric bills of over $100, then you could save money by going solar. Combine the money-saving measures described in this article with a solar power system to permanently fix and avoid high utility bills.

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