How many solar panels does it take to provide energy to a house?

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The number of solar panels it takes to power a house varies by the amount of power the household uses, and the amount of power the panels provide.

the engineer is checking the solar cell power system image 2

How to find out how much power your home uses

The amount of power you are using can be found on your utility bill. It lists your electrical consumption by month. Add up how much power you used all year and divide that by 12. Unless you are planning for upgrades such as an EV charger or pool pump, that sum is the amount of power you want your system to generate. Some utility companies allow you to have the system produce more than you use.

Find out how many solar panels you require

Now that you know the size of the solar power system you’ll need, you can figure out how many solar panels you’ll need. Solar panels vary by power output, so you’ll need to decide which panels you’re going to use. Our suggestion is to request a free consultation from one of our solar specialists who will be happy to solve all of your questions!

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