Earth Day - BrightEra Energy - Solar near me

Earth Day 2022

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The idea of Earth Day was born in 1969. On that date the world witnessed a catastrophe in California when a massive oil spill occurred in the Santa Barbara Channel. A U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson called on all Americans to take a stand for the environment in 1970, various protests for a healthy and sustainable Earth were held. These included not only ocean pollution but also air pollution from factories and highways, as well as the loss of animal habitats and the extinction of animals. Thanks to these national demonstrations, the first Earth Day was held, which also contributed to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the enactment of the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts.

Today, we have even more disastrous concerns than that original oil spill in 1969. Increasing natural disasters, extreme weather conditions and rising global temperatures can seem impossible to prevent. It is well known that coral reefs are dying, we see pictures of animals on land and in the ocean with garbage on their bodies, and large corporations around the world continue to pollute our air and our living spaces. One step in the right direction is already a major change. We can all pitch in and start with small actions, like picking up trash from the curb.

Whether it’s a big group event or a solo cleanup, you can get involved anywhere.

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The Great Global Cleanup®

The Great Global Cleanup® is a worldwide campaign to remove billions of pieces of trash from neighborhoods, beaches, rivers, lakes, trails, and parks — reducing waste and plastic pollution, improving habitats, and preventing harm to wildlife and humans.


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The Canopy Project

Home to about 80% of the world’s biodiversity, forests are collectively the second biggest storehouse of carbon after oceans, absorbing significant amounts of greenhouse gasses. They also enhance biodiversity, while protecting waterways, enhancing soil nutrition, and providing buffers from natural disasters


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