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What to know before going Solar?

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Most homes benefit from going solar. Here is some useful information you will need to know about your home’s roof when you get started :

Roof type

We can install on most roof types. Depending on the roof type, the solar panel installation process may differ slightly. No matter what type of roof you have you will benefit from a penetration warranty. Roof types that solar panels are commonly installed on include: 

Composite Roof - Type of roof for Solar Panels Installation.

Composite Shingle:  made of a mixture of several commonly used roofing materials such as fiberglass, recycled paper products and asphalt.

Tile Roof - Type of roof for Solar Panels Installation.

Tile:  Made of concrete

Torch-Down Roof - Type of roof for Solar Panels Installation.

Torch-Down:  Often low angle or flat roofs 

Foam Roof - Type of roof for Solar Panels Installation.

Foam: Often applied on top of existing roofs

If your roof type isn’t listed, don’t worry. Solar can be installed on nearly every type of roof. A solar power installation company such as BrightEra Energy  can advise you about what roofing work may be required to mount solar panels on your roof.

Roof condition

We take a close look at the condition of your roof and let you know if any repairs will be required prior to installation.

How much annual sunlight your roof receives 

It is very important that your property is exposed to enough sunlight. If your property is surrounded by tall trees or other obstructions to sunlight, we will let you know what your options are. We may also recommend mounting your system on the ground or recommend other ways to get your property ready for solar. Just remember, the more sunlight your property gets, the better.

BrightEra Energy, one of the best solar companies in Florida.

With our solar panels you can make your dreams come true:

  1. solar panels to power your home
  2. solar panels to charge your electric car
  3. solar panels to heat your swimming pool

If you want to have your roof custom designed with Tesla’s beautiful, state-of-the-art solar panels (BrightEra Energy offers a free upgrade) click here and schedule an appointment today.

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