How Solar Energy Can Cut Your Bills And Your Carbon Footprint?

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As concerns around protecting the environment continue to increase, more of us are having solar panels installed in our homes to generate our own electricity so we can all stop depending on the grid.

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Solar panels capture the sun’s energy using photovoltaic cells and then convert it into electricity. The solar panels do not require direct sunlight to work, they can still work on a cloudy day, although less electricity will be generated. 

How do solar panels work?

Before understanding how they work, you need to know how they are structured.

Solar cells are nestled between layers of semiconducting materials, usually, silicon When the light shines on them, electrons are knocked loose and this creates an electricity flow. Then, when solar cells recombined they are called solar panels, while multiple solar panels connect together they form a solar array or solar system.

It’s key to ensure solar panels are exposed to as much light as possible it is best to have them installed on a south-facing roof, although east and west-facing roofs are also suitable. Additionally, the solar system should be pitched at an angle of 10 or 50 degrees, with the optimum angle sitting between 30 and 40 degrees. You should also ensure there are no shades over the roof (no buildings, no trees).

As most of you know, solar panels are installed on rooftops, at least most of them. But it is also possible to have them installed on walls or even on the ground! You just need to keep in mind that solar systems that are not installed on the roofs are not as cost-effective as the ones installed on the roofs.

What are the benefits?

The best benefit of having solar panels installed is that you will save tons of dollars! And if your solar system is big enough, then you may be able to produce enough electricity for your whole home. Besides that, you will be reducing your carbon footprint. The Energy Saving Trust says a typical home with a solar system can save around 1.3 to 1.6 carbon per year.

Source: Forbes Advisor

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