Three reasons why you should have solar batteries installed in your house

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Home batteries can provide power when you most need it. You may need it due to a blackout, or you may simply wish to avoid high demand and rates. Home batteries can also help you save money if your utility rates spike. Additionally, one of the best things about home batteries is that they enable you to store and use the electricity that your home solar system generates.

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Solar batteries provide power during blackouts

States like Florida, Texas and California have struggled with blackouts. In some states, these blackouts lasted for days. Solar batteries can keep the energy flowing, even in an extended blackout. The batteries allow you to get power from your solar panels during the day even while your system is charging your batteries.

Avoid Time of Use billing (TOU)

Most of the utility companies are now billing through the Time of Use (TOU) method. Under a TOU rate plan, the utility company charges you super expensive rates during certain hours of the day. Those hours are typically in the evenings, after your solar has stopped producing electricity. Which is the exact moment where the demand rises from consumers and so, the price will increase as well. In this case, solar batteries can power your home during those expensive rate hours. This means that your household is leveraging your solar system during the day and then it’s leveraging your batteries in the evening. That way you will avoid Time of Use billing.

Lifesaving power

There are some cases in life where your need for electricity can be a matter of life and death. So houses with medical devices are a great example. Basically, home medical devices have some battery backup as a “plan b” in case they need energy supply. So that’s fine, but if you ever get hit with an extended blackout, those devices are going to lose power. That’s why solar batteries can help you out by keeping these lifesaving devices available 24/7.

Source: Infinite Energy

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