¿Cómo las casas inteligentes ahorran energía?

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There are many benefits of having a smart home, but the most attractive ones are not so obvious! Well… Smart homes help to save energy and heat, this is the main reason why these types of appliances and devices are cataloged as eco-friendly and also cheaper to live in. Let’s take a look at these types of homes!

save energy home automation post

The beauty of smart homes is how they can save energy through elegance. These types of systems won’t restrict your energy usage and consumption. Instead, they keep track of your lifestyle and try to find efficient ways in order to save money by saving energy when you don’t need it. Furthermore, they are developed to make the most out of the energy available, and this allows homes to save up to 30% — 40% of energy.

Monitoreando temperatura, más energía solar

Smart home systems allow you to save energy through heat monitoring! The system uses different types of sensors to measure the exact temperature and therefore have an understanding of how to heat it and with a surprisingly low amount of energy consumption. Smart systems save energy by keeping track of which rooms you use and when you use them, that way it can understand and adjust to the user’s necessity and make sure that the temperature is warm enough when you use them. This means that your home won’t heat itself while you are not in there, smart homes know how to make you feel comfy.

Una excelente manera de ser más ecológico es agregar paneles solares a los paneles solares de su hogar. Al colocar un sistema solar en su techo y conectarlo a su hogar inteligente, se asegurará de que los niveles de energía de su lugar sean siempre óptimos. Las casas inteligentes se pueden programar para que prefieran usar su propia energía y solo aprovechen más en caso de necesidad. De esa manera, su hogar será autosuficiente, ¡lo cual es increíble cuando se trata de casas ecológicas! Invertir en paneles solares para su techo es una excelente manera de ser más ecológico.

Fuente: Smart energy international

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