Certificación de energía solar renovable

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Let’s talk about solar energy incentives! The Solar Renewable Energy Certification (SREC) is a performance-based incentive program that allows homeowners and businesses (with solar panels installed) to earn an additional income from solar electricity generation. 


Esta certificación se creó debido a los estándares de cartera renovable (conocida por sus siglas en inglés como RPS), que deben tener servicios públicos para comenzar a producir un porcentaje específico de su energía a partir de fuentes renovables. Para satisfacer esta necesidad, las empresas de servicios públicos compran Certificados de Energía Renovable (conocida por sus siglas en inglés como REC). Lo que también se conoce como créditos de energía renovable. Este tipo de certificados se consideran una prueba que garantizan la producción de energía renovable que tienen los ciudadanos por sí mismos o que obtienen por contratar a alguien que les esté produciendo energía renovable, por lo que esto contará como su propia generación de energía renovable también.

Diferencias entre SRECs y RECs

You should be wondering what’s the difference between them? SRECs are a type of REC, but related to energy that comes from solar technologies. The accounting works exactly the same for both of them and like RECs, they are bought and sold in order to transfer the right to count renewable energy. In the case of SRECs, they can be bought and sold to transfer the right to count solar electricity.

SREC es un ingreso más a su bolsillo

Some states have regulated the SREC market in order to facilitate the sale of SRECs.This means that if you live in a state with an SREC regulated market, you won’t be able to sell your certificates directly to utilities. Instead, you will find it more attractive to work with a broker (specialized in SRECTrade or SolSystems) in order to monetize your certificates and earn money from it.

In case you’re wondering how much you could be earning, let me inform you that a 10 kW solar system will produce 10 to 13 MWh electricity per year, approximately. This means that you could be earning from 10 to 13 SRECs annually. It’s important to keep in mind that each state vary in the financial return of solar energy.

Fuente: Energy sage

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