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¿Tiene sentido la energía solar en Florida?

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Yes! As the nation’s third sunniest state. Solar makes sense in Florida despite the lack of state-level solar incentives. Instead, the reason that Florida residents should go solar is to take advantage of Net Metering programs offered by the state’s utility companies. Thankfully, Florida exempts solar systems from property tax and sales taxes. Florida residents who purchase solar may qualify for the federal investment tax credit for solar power, which currently stands at 26%.*

Solar Energy
Solar Energy

Medición neta en Florida

La medición neta hace que la energía solar tenga sentido en Florida. En la medición neta de Florida, las empresas de servicios públicos abonan al cliente por cada kilovatio-hora de electricidad suministrada a la red. En cualquier mes, si el cliente suministra más energía a la red de la que consume, recibe un crédito en la factura por ese excedente. Al final de un periodo de 12 meses, si ese cliente ha acumulado créditos en la factura, la empresa de servicios públicos paga al cliente por esos créditos al coste evitado de la empresa.

What is the utility’s avoided cost?

A utility’s avoided cost is the amount that they would have paid for electricity if they purchased it from a power plant or if they generated it at their own power plant. Keep in mind that the avoided cost of electricity will be less than they charge their customers for electricity. Like any business, a utility company will mark up the price of the service they provide you. 

Medición neta de Duke Energy

Duke Energy customers with solar systems of 10 kilowatts or less in capacity are eligible for tier-one net metering. Duke energy checks to make sure that your solar system’s rating doesn’t exceed 90% of the electrical transformer’s rating that connects that customer to the grid. Duke Energy will also replace the customer’s meter with a bidirectional meter. That type of meter is able to record any excess power that the customer’s system sends to the grid.

Si un cliente tiene un sistema con una capacidad superior a 10 kilovatios, hay requisitos adicionales que debe cumplir antes de conectarse a la red.

Florida Power and Light

Florida Power and Light’s net metering policy is very similar to Duke Energy’s. Just like Duke Energy, if you have bill credits left over at the end of the year, you will receive a cash credit on your January bill. Florida Power and Light will also install a bidirectional meter to measure power sent to the grid versus power used just like Duke Energy.

Gulf Power y Tampa Electric Company

Both Gulf Power and Tampa Energy offer net metering programs similar to Duke Energy and Florida Power and Light. All of Florida’s utilities pay at their avoided cost for any bill credits that remain at the end of the year.


JEA (formerly Jacksonville Electrical Authority) does not offer net metering. Instead, the utility only compensates you at their export rate, which is very low. Freedom Forever recommends building a smaller solar system designed to ensure that you use all the power the system produces so you export no power to JEA.

Brightera con Freedom Forever hacen que la energía solar tenga sentido en Florida

Going solar in Florida makes a lot of sense thanks to Florida’s net metering policy. Going solar with Brightera makes sense thanks to Brightera and Freedom’s 25-year production guarantee.

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