Incentivos solares estatales

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El gobierno de Estados Unidos ha establecido algunos incentivos económicos solares para los consumidores con el fin de comenzar a elegir energías renovables en lugar de fuentes de energía no renovables.

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A partir de ahora, varios estados ofrecen incentivos solares además del Crédito Tributario por Inversión Federal (conocido por sus siglas en inglés como, ITC), que tiene como objetivo motivar a los propietarios de viviendas y empresas para que instalen paneles solares. Es clave entender que cada estado tiene establecidos diferentes incentivos, aunque hay algunos comunes como crédito fiscal, rebajas y certificaciones de energía renovable. Los estados con más incentivos solares son California, Texas, Minnesota y Nueva York.

As you may know, each state has its own set of incentives that vary. That’s why there are many solar companies that offer different solar financial incentives, so we highly recommend reaching your installer and consulting the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency for specifics and details.

Créditos fiscales estatales

The state tax incentives work the same way as the federal ITC incentive does, but for your state taxes. So exact amounts will vary depending on the state you’re located in.

Reembolsos del gobierno estatal

Some states offer upfront rebates for going solar. These are most of the time available for a limited period of months while funds are available, based on the latter, we highly recommend you to check the rebates in your state in order to get a clear understanding of them and also to take the incentive before it’s too late. Keep in mind that government rebates can reduce solar costs by 20%.

Certificación de energía solar renovable

The Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) is another type of incentive created by the US government. But it is a state-level incentive. Once you install the solar system and register with the appropriate state authorities, they will start tracking your system’s energy production and will offer you a SRECs as a benefit.

Fuente: Forbes Advisor

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